In my previous blog post, I wrote about my startup story. The ‘how’ I became a photographer, but to me, more important than the ‘how’ is the ‘why.’ Why I chose to become a photographer is so easily summed up in the collection of photos in this post.
It’s the fleeting flutter of memories at a glance of a photo that was taken 10 years ago, of your now teenager, and remembering the first time they walked. The butterflies you feel in your tummy when you look back at a photo from your wedding day and knowing exactly what that moment felt like. The possibility of transporting someone to a time and place they were never at, to share your experience. To allow a moment to live on for as long as that photo exists. Seeing a photo and smiling, even when you don’t want to.

To me it has nothing to do with personal gratification or adding to the portfolio, of course I want your photos to be shot in a beautiful and unique way, but most importantly I want your photos to be authentic and genuine, so that they mean the most to you.
There’s a common language in photos that is indisputable and brings people together to tell stories. How someone feels about a photo, is why I do what I do.
Photos are a connection to a memory, and whilst memory does sometimes fade, a photo tells a story that cannot be forgotten.